Vietnam Travel Guide

Visa & customs


Most visitors to Việt Nam need a visa to enter the country. Visas are exempted for the citizens of the countries, which have signed a bilateral or unilateral visa exemption agreement with Việt Nam, tourist visa may be valid for 15 to 30 days.

Tourist visa can only be obtained in Vietnamese embassies, consulates abroad. Otherwise, you can get a visa at the border gates if you are invitees of some Vietnamese competent organs or you are travelling on a package tour organized by Vietnamese travel companies. To apply for a visa, the requirements are as follows:

    • Entry permit form (which can vary from one Vietnamese embassies or consulate abroad to another) - There are two categories of this form: for foreigners and for Vietnamese overseas.
    • Two photos (4cmx6cm or 3cmx4cm)
    • Original passport
    • Visa fee.

You should send your application and photos to a Vietnamese embassy or consulate abroad, which is most convenient to you. On your requirement, the reply will be returned by post (you must provide stamped envelopes with your name and address).

It is easier to get your visa from a Vietnamese travel agency. The nehossary information to the travel agency include:

    • Full name
    • Birthday and place of birth
    • Nationality
    • Job
    • Number of your passport
    • Entry and exit dates
    • Country you plan to receive your entry visa from the Vietnamese embassies or consulates

Vietnamese overseas are required to provide more information:

    • Year and reason to leave Việt Nam
    • Leave Việt Nam by means


Customs procedures in Việt Nam are quick and simple. To enter and exit Việt Nam, visitors are required to fulfill the arrival - departure declaration.

Customs Information

1.- Passengers are given duty free allowance for not more than 1.5 liters of liquor with above 22 degrees of concentration of alcohol and two liters of liquor below 22 degrees of concentration of alcohol; 400 cigarettes; 100 cigars; 500 gram of raw tobacco.

- Other items which are allowed in accompanying baggage are duty free with value not over VND 5,000,000.

- Passengers bringing goods exceeding the amount as above stated are required to fill in the declaration form No. HQ/2002-PMD and pay duty(ies) according to Việt Namese laws.

2. Passengers whose goods are not subject to customs declaration on page 4, 5 (For customs declaration) do not have to declare.

More Information:

Getting to Vietnam

By Air

By Sea

The trip through the Mekong Delta makes for an enjoyable and scenic entry into Southern Vietnam. Tour agencies in Phnom Penh and in Vietnam can arrange boat trips from Cambodia into the country. You can expect to pass through one of two crossings -- Vinh Xuong or Tinh Bien -- along the way. Trips usually end in Can Tho, about 170km from Ho Chi Minh City.

By Land


There are direct trains between Hanoi (the only point of rail departure for China within Vietnam) and Beijing via the Dong Dang border, with stops at Nanning and Guilin. From Hanoi, the train departs every Tuesday and Friday at 6:30 pm with a total traveling time of 42 hours. You can book your tickets from Hanoi in advance through reputable online services such as Bao Lau or SinhTourist.


There are local bus companies in Laos touting cheap fares to Vietnam, but we recommend using an international bus service running from Savannakhet or Vientiane to Hanoi, Hue, Vinh, or Da Nang. These direct lines will help you avoid the difficulties that sometimes arise with local bus agents. It's also possible to get a bus from Luang Prabang to Hanoi, but the ride can run up to 24 hours, much of it on rough roads.


A number of public buses and express shuttles ply the route between Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh City every day, via the Moc Bai border. Modern buses outfitted with air-conditioning make for a more pleasant trip, so try to find one that looks well maintained or spring for one of the modern express shuttles such as Sapaco Tourist or Mekong Express. The ride is usually six hours long. Be sure to have your visas for Vietnam ready before you reach the border.


Vietnamese đồng (VND) is the official currency in Việt Nam.

- Paper notes include: VND 500,000; 200,000; 100,000; 50,000; 20,000; 10,000; 5,000; 2,000; 1,000; 500; 200 and 100. Coins include VND 5,000; 2,000; 1,000; 500 and 200.

Cheques with value as Vietnamese đồng include: VND 1,000,000 and 500,000.

- Foreign currencies and tourist cheques can be exchanged into Vietnamese đồng at banks or foreign exchange agencies.

- Credit cards are popularly used, especially in cities and big tourist centers.

Vietnamese đồng can be changed into foreign currencies at the airport