Nha Trang

Food & Drink in Nha Trang

Grilled fresh fish of Nha Trang

Grilled fresh fish of Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

  • Loan rice spaghetti inn on Ngo Gia Tu Street is always crowded, partly because of delicious fried fish, other part by the spicy chili sauce or shrimp sauce depending on customers.

  • A number of inns on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street are always busy as a brand for this road.

  • Other inn is on Tran Thi Tinh street, although far from downtown but the customers also wait. Nha Trang also has a fried fish dish with bread.

Fish is usually used to make from delicious fish: sardines, mackerel, fish tank, barracuda, marlin, etc but the best is mackerel and sardines. Grilled fish has two types: steamed and and fried some people like to eat fried spring roll because it is fragrant and the others like to eat steamed spring roll by its sweet taste.Whether fried or steamed, fried fish always have a similar characteristic: tough, soft, fresh fish are stronger with a little bit more chili garlic sauce.

The process is very simple, though slightly hard work by sewing fish: fresh fish, washed, scraped meat.Onions, garlic, pepper, put scraped meat in the motar and pound. After that frying it. If steaming spring roll , you should add oil, mix a little chopped mushrooms an egg surface. Spring roll is the main ingredient of the rice spaghetti or fish noodles. After taken all the meat and bones, fish bones cooked with water, freshwater fish bone pot depending on the cake spicy fish soup or noodles.

Nha Trang's noodles in crab chowder

Nha Trang's noodles in crab chowder

Where to Eat?

  • Quán Bún Riêu Cô Hai nằm trên đường A2 - khu đô thị Vĩnh Điềm Trung - TP Nha Trang.

  • Mecca restaurant - 22 Tran Quang Khai - Nha Trang.

Combined skillful between the traditional Ha Noi flavor and sea taste of Nha Trang Nuoc (Nha Trang Water) used for Nha Trang noodles in crab chowder from pork bones & chicken bones, crab soup made ​​of crab meat, shrimp, lean pork & eggs and of course not without the crab soup.

This is the skillful and ingenious combination between traditional flavor of crab noodle soup taste of Hanoi and Nha Trang have created a unique flavor.

Nha Trang Seafood

Nha Trang Seafood

Where to Eat?

  • Restaurant: Thanh Sương Hải Sản

  • Address: 21 Trần Phú street Nha Trang, Vietnam

  • Opening time: 10AM ~ 11PM, Daily.

  • Telephone: 093 419 2010

Coming to Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa, besides bathing, tourists can enjoy fresh seafood dishes such as lobster, sea cucumber, abalone, crab, etc - the specialt food in the past just appeared on the table feast of kings. With the advantages of participating in the processing of seafood export, with procurement agents in most of provinces in the country, Nha Trang Seafoods restaurant has become an address for tourists when coming to Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa.

Yellow noodle soup in Nha Trang

Yellow noodle soup in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

It can be found in various restaurants and street stalls in the city. This particular vendor specializes in soup noodles.

Nha Trang have two dishes are known as yellow noodle soup of Quang people and Nha Trang yellow noodle soup. Same name but different ways of preparing food away from each other and each has a particular taste. First, the pasta of Quang noodles are soft and silky to pasta made with rice flour, the Nha Trang fiber is small and yellow (dry noodles), very long. Second, Quang noodles with pork or chicken are cooked with spices, then served with Nha Trang noodles boiled with meat and fried fish more. The other most obviously, Nha Trang noodle soup are always being filled, not close to the bottom of the bowl invasion as Quang noodles. In addition, Nha Trang noodles not to eat with baked rice papers!

Nha Trang yellow noodle soup is all over the roads in Nha Trang city, from the sidewalk to the luxurious salon. Whenever a customer called yellow noodle soup , the seller will take pinches of dried yellow noodles over medium-hot water aging. Put yellow noodles into a bowl, vendors coming up small fried fish, a few slices of thinly sliced ​​boiled meat, if added to the frozen pork, then draw water marquetry (cooked with bones) flooded, the final taste of the leaves, the non- add roasted peanuts at the surface. Comes with Nha Trang yellow noodle soup is a stunning dish with salad lettuce, herbs, banana ... to be thin julienne, and added a little green bean trees.

Bun Thang Hanoi in Nha Trang

Bun Thang Hanoi in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

It can be found in various restaurants and street stalls in the city. This particular vendor specializes in soup noodles.

There are many dishes of Hanoi which are popular in Nha Trang such as pho ( beef noodle soup), bun oc ( noodles and snails soup), bun cha (noodles and grilled meat soup) but until now, bun thang thang just appear though it is not a strange food.

Bun thang prepared meticulously and are still subtle in the regal character. Each bun thang bowl has nearly 20 different ingredients: chicken bones, pork bones, dried prawns and must be carefully skimming to the clear broth. Along with the bun thang bowl with grilled chicken also tore milling, pork bologna, chopped egg into thin strands, agarics, dried shrimp, pork fiber, , salted eggs, radish sauce beams ... Overall very sophisticated and elaborate because of everything in a bun thang bowl also has to cut very thin, very smart ...

Rice spaghetti cooked with grilled fish in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

It can be found in various restaurants and street stalls in the city. This particular vendor specializes in soup noodles.

Nha Trang Rice spaghetti is cooked from fresh sea fish so it is tasty, moreish, grilled fish made from fresh fish is so tough, smooth, soft and having fresh fish taste. Besides, Nha Trang Rice spaghetti is delicious when it serves with fresh fish meat. Enjoying a bowl of Nha Trang Rice spaghetti with tuna or mackerel meat, adding a little of Nha Trang chili sauce, you feel all the taste of the coastal cuisine. So far, people who living far from home or the guests used to eat Nha Trang Rice spaghetti often crave for a bowl of Nha Trang Rice spaghetti in the memory of Nha Trang.

Flesh of Duck in Cau Dua – Nha Trang

Flesh of Duck in Cau Dua – Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

Vịt Nướng ở Quán Hùng Cấu Dứa Nha Trang.

Enjoy the flesh of duck with rice wine in Cau Dua is typical cuisine taste of the people of Nha Trang. According to the ancient records, from ancient time, flesh of duck in this region is famous, only after nests. On summer evenings, the crispy sesame girdle -cake combining with duck’s blood curds create an unforgettable choral song of Khanh Hoa culinary arts.

Jellyfish Noddle in Nha Trang

Jellyfish Noddle in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

It can be found in various restaurants and street stalls in the city. This particular vendor specializes in soup noodles.

The jellyfish is delicious food, nutritious. An indispensable ingredient of a jellyfish noodle is jellyfish of course. Currently, jellyfish has year-round, but the best is still the late in spring and early in summer. Edible jellyfish has opaque white, tapering as fingers; the body is thick, crispy and cool taste. Jellyfish noodle must be served with hot and sweet bouillon thanks to be cooked from various fishes. Jellyfish noodle is tastier when eaten with fresh grilled fish, various chopped raw vegetables, lemon and chili.

Goat cuisine in Nha Trang

Goat cuisine in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

  • Restaurant: Lẩu Dê Song Nhi 3

  • Address: Đường Trần Nhật Duật (Nối Dài), K98 Khu Vườn Xoài, Phường Phước Hòa, Nha Trang

  • Opening time: 11:00 - 23:00

Mentioning goat meat, people often think of Ninh Binh because this is an indispensable specialty of this locality. However, when coming to Nha Trang, if visitors do not enjoy special cuisine as well as know nothing about the coastal city. It will be a very different experience, extremely impressive about cuisine when coming to Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa.

Grilled beef in Nha Trang

Grilled beef in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

  • Restaurant: Bò Nướng Lạc Cảnh

  • Address: 44 Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Xương Huân, Thành phố Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa

  • Opening time: From 9 AM to 11 PM every day.

The recipe is considered as the secret of family heirloom, and can only be passed on to relatives, employees or diners cannot know. Beef is only soft loin; combine with special marinade to create a delicious, sweet, slightly sweet, attractive color.

Grilled beef served with green salad, vinegar and bread. The gourmets often break the bread out, dipped in marinated water to grill on the oven. Bread will be crispy, tastier. Grilled beef is often marinated; if guests prefer to be richer, they can use red chili salt or soy sauce. Guests want to enjoy can grill by themselves. If be lazy, guests can ask the staff to bake for them. Grilled beef should be eaten hot, but must be baked in pink coat.

Because the needs of customers are more diverse, besides grilled beef, the restaurant also develops other dishes, including the famous wrapped eel is very delicious (eel mixed with noodle, placed in the small bowls). Guests who love to eat chicken can also order grilled chicken. Chicken here are in garden, so they have strong meat, delicious. There are also some grilled seafood dishes, seafood porridge, seafood soup, fried chili fried rice...

Nha Trang Sticky Cake

Nha Trang Sticky Cake

Where to buy?

Can buy at any market in Nha trang

Nha Trang Sticky Cake is Bánh phồng Sơn Đốc (BPN) that a famous specialty of Ben Tre province, It is expand to the Nha Trang markets now.

Son Doc village is the best place production of BPN. Most villagers know how to make BPN, not only for sale but also to give for relatives or friends on every holiday and Tet. Making BPN is the development profession, this is the traditional craft so it is maintained until now. BPN is available in many places, from the Mekong Delta to the Central of Viet Nam .... "

The processing of BPN is simple: soak glutinous, cook them into sticky rice. Scanning stcky rice in stone mortar. Pour coconut milk, salt, sugar, sesame seeds for tasting. Then to roll them into small balls (1.8 kg/100 balls). Use plastic pieces and laminate these balls into thin circle cakes. Bring and put them under the sun then baked them on a grid, baking time and moderate fire is very important. About 10 minutes for each batch. This cake can be kept for a long time with the best quality and smell.

Nha Trang Travel Information