Lang Son Province

Lang Son Overview

Lang Son Lạng Sơn is a mountainous province in the North East of Vietnam. It is 154 km far from Hanoi capital and 165 km far from the capital city. Cao Bang is bordered to the north by Quang Ninh Province to the north, Quang Ninh Province to the southeast, Bac Giang Province to the south, Thai Nguyen Province to the south, and Bac Kan to the west.

Mountains and hills cover over 80% of the province's total area. The complex network of rivers makes a good condition for agriculture. Main rivers that run through the province are: Ky Cung, Ba Thin, Bac Giang, Bac Khe, Thuong, Hoa, and Trung rivers.

Lang Son has two international border gates including Dong Dang railway border gate and Huu Nghi road border gate, two national border gates such as Chi Ma (in Loc Binh District) and Binh Nghi (in Trang Dinh District)... So Lang Son has an important strategic position in the North-East of Vietnam.

The climate is cool and temperate. Annual average temperature is 21.50C. Annual average rainfall is from 1200mm to 1600mm.

Lang Son has potentiality of mineral, forestry, tourism and trading. Star aniseed (hoa hoi) is a specialty. Tourists are interesting in Ky Lua or Long Tong traditional festivals. They would like to taste special dishes: roast duck, roast pig, Mau Son wine and lam rice.

Area: 8,320.8 sq. km.

Population: 757.9 thousand habitants (2015).

Capital: Lang Son City.

Districts: Trang Dinh, Van Lang, Van Quan, Binh Gia, Bac Son, Huu Lung, Chi Lang, Cao Loc, Loc Binh, Dinh Lap.

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Tay, Nung, Dao...

Lang Son Travel Information