Places To Visit in Nha Trang

Historical & Cultural Sites in Nha Trang

  • Po Nagar Cham Towers

  • Long Son Pagoda

  • Alexandre Yersin Museum

  • National Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam

  • Diên Khánh Citadel

  • The Cathedral of Nha Trang Diocese

  • Khánh Hòa Museum

Po Nagar Cham Towers

Po Nagar Cham Towers

Po Nagar Cham Towers, 2 Thang 4 St. 07:30-17:00. These four brick towers were built by the Cham civilization between the 7th and 12th centuries to honour Yang Ino Po Ngar, mother of the kingdom, and the aroma of incense emanating from within makes it clear that this remains a religious site for the local Buddhists of Nha Trang today. The longevity of these last vestiges of a once-dominant SE Asian civilisation should impress temple enthusiasts even if the insensitive restoration and surrounding mass of tourists don't. The small complex sits on a hill which enjoys views across Nha Trang's fishing village. It is a 20-25 min walk (or short motorbike ride) from the main beach strip, however be prepared to wander through the real Nha Trang, quite an abrupt change from the showy built-up beach side resort. Public Bus 4 stops near the Cham Towers. 21,000 dong

Long Son Pagoda

Long Son Pagoda

It is the largest scale pagoda of the more than 20 temples in Nha Trang. The pagoda is located right in Nha Trang city, under Trai Thuy hill. This hill also has two other pagodas at the top that are the Hai Duc pagoda above and Buu Phong Pagoda in the South. This is one of the most famous attractions of Nha Trang. The pagoda was declared in the late 19th century and was built in new construction under current scale in 1940 with the art of architecture, sculpture, though bearing modern marks, but remains silent and mysterious looks of the Buddha. On top of the mountain is Buddha statue, 24 meters high, built in 1964 - 1965. Visitors can stand on the mountain to enjoy panoramic view of Nha Trang.

Alexandre Yersin Museum

Alexandre Yersin Museum, 10 Tran Phu St, ☎ +84 58 822355. M-Fr 07:30-11:30 and 14:00-17:00, Sa 07:30-11:30. This is a scientific museum of Swiss-born Dr. Alexandre Yersin (1863-1943), who arrived in Vietnam in 1891 to study infected animals. He later produced a serum from horses and buffaloes. In this museum, you will be able to view all of his work as well as his equipment. Yersin never went back to Switzerland and spent the rest of his life in Nha Trang. Don’t try to take pictures. Do respect the rules as they're quite serious here.

Alexandre Yersin settled in Nha Trang in 1895, he chose fishing village - Con Village. He lived in a seaside blockhouse built by the French Governor. The ugly boxy blockhouse was renovated into charming two-story apartment. The diagram of his house was very simple; each floor has only one room, surrounded by corridors with many consecutive doorways. Later on the roof was domed so he put the telescope.

In 1975, because of war, the Alexandre Yersin house was destroyed. But since 1958, home furnishings, personal items, scientific equipment and the archives have been collected and stored in hallways and rooms located around the Pasteur library, which was the first museum of Alexandre Yersin.

The new museum is located next to Nha Trang Pasteur Institute, built in 1997, with the intention to retain the spirit diagram of Alexandre Yersin apartment in the fishing village, consisting of a room in the middle, surrounded are the symbolic path for the corridors of old apartments previously. From the data and original instruments preserved, adding photographic reproductions, the museum collections and archives of the Pasteur Institute recalling images of Alexandre Yersin life before.

Sightseeing walkway are attached the presentation: childhood, school time, expeditions, bubonic plague and the discovery of bacteria plague. The settlement in Nha Trang and the Pasteur Institute in Indo-China, the breeding and plantation establishment, scientific curiosity and the titles which he achieved.

Some tools guide to better understand the different aspects of his work. A trunk shows some luggage and things he used to exchange with the minorities in the expedition. The short film done the pictures he had taken and the journey diary to know better the life of his adventure. Besides primitive microscopes, four models illustrate the stages noted in the history of the bubonic plague: Alexandre Yersin isolated Plague bacteria; mouse disease transmission; P.L Simon discovered the role of disease agents of fleas and made up the serum protest the plague.

In measuring instruments and scientific machine, stereoscopic 3D glasses, signal antenna morse, telescopes, cameras are material evidence showing the passion of Alexandre Yersin Appetite as well as the his pleasure about test and understand the technique has been invented, and find practical applications.

The middle of the room, a place to keep all the furniture of the old house will reconstruct his private life. Bookshelf showed opened mind and tireless curiosity. Books including many topics as geography, history, aviation, astronomy, meteorology, electricity and gas, car, physical ... but also there is the novel "Masks" shows how he loved detective novel in his break.

National Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam

National Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam, 01 Cau Da (left of the commercial port entrance), ☎ +84 58 590037. 07:00-16:00. This is like an aquarium with popular and rare species of the sea. A good place to bring kids as they will get to see sharks, turtles, coral reefs, lion fish, sea horses, and many other creatures.

In 1923, after forming, Oceanographic Institute has continued to research, added samples and established maritime museum to welcome visitors. Before, Marine Museum was located below the main building, after the new expansion moved out today. Currently, the museum has over 20,000 specimens of more than 4,000 marine types and freshwater species were collected and maintained for years with the live specimens feeding in the glass tank. The main attraction is the marine fish species has always been improved and arranged in a separate area. There are rare fish types you just hear or see in books and movies.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors to watch fish in the Museum of the journey to Nha Trang. We can say this is a diverse and colorful world of marine fish and that anyone was also attracted. The Museum of Oceanography Institute marine is not designed picky as others in many places, the Institute’s advantage is a marine research center and museum are also part of that procession, therefore, the fishes here are not only in Nha Trang, which were collected from different places as well, sorted and nurtured in a separate tank to scientific research. In each aquarium, you will learn the scientific names, origins and characteristics of fish growth. For example lionfish, devil face fish, eel, grouper fish or fire fish, seahorses, cleaning glass fish...

Even the fish have very familiar names such as seahorses, will also surprise you when encountering them in the lake of many colors, or sea anemone type like flowers is a strange sea creatures can catch baits with a soft tap. Devil face lies as a thick stick moss rock, hard to detect enemy so-called rock fish- which has many poisonous thorns to protect, but the meat is very tasty. Soap fish is very nice looking with black and white stripes, distributed in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Australia with the type of saliva secreted like soap and having poison to kill the enemy when attacked .

The marine fish display space of the Oceanography Institute is quite favorable for tourists to visit. Going through the ticket gate is a large fish tank, they can watch them freely. Then going inside the aquarium, each tank has a different fish. Sea fishes here is continually replenished, so you can get more supplement knowledge even you had ever gone. Here, guests will see the seaweed. Seaweed is not different from grass on the bank, just that they live in the water, it is also interesting exploration. And an area of mangroves is also available in the Museum

Zone B of the museum has more aquarium space for visitors can walk around in that glass frame to watch shoals of fish swimming. In the future, a another display area will be established in the mountain. Thousands of fish will be raised to meet the needs of understanding and research.

Diên Khánh Citadel

Diên Khánh Citadel

Diên Khánh Citadel, Diên Khánh Townlet (12 km W of city). Citadel was built by French officer Olivier de Puymanel for Nguyễn Ánh in 1793. It housed royal palace, private houses, warehouses and jail. It was fenced by walls of 3.5m height, surrounded by moats of 4-5 m deep and 10 m wide. Originally it had 6 gates, but only 4 of them remained.

The Cathedral of Nha Trang Diocese

The Cathedral of Nha Trang Diocese. On a hill overlooking the city, the cathedral shows the influence of French Catholicism. The Nha Trang area still has a strong Catholic population. There are Catholic shops around the cathedral

Nha Trang Cathedral (officially known as the Christ the King Cathedral, or the Church Stone, or the Church of Intersection of 6 blocks, Cathedral Mountain) is a Catholic church in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province. The church was started to build on September 3rd 1928 and completed on December 1935. It was built in the architecture of the Western church. The Cathedral is entirely made of cement reinforced; the walls were built by high quality cement Tableu. Overall, the project has solid lay - out with small cube gradually from low to high, standing out in blue sky. The highest point is the place to set the cross atop the church bell, 38 meters high from the pavement. Although already built more than 70 years, the sizeable scale and unique structure remains its valid.

Khánh Hòa Museum

Khánh Hòa Museum, 16 Tran Phu St, ☎ +84 58 3813 654. Mon, Wed, Fri and Sun 8:00-11:00, 14:00 – 17:00. Exhibition presents Cham statues and artifacts of the ethnic minorities of the Nha Trang area. One of the rooms is devoted to Ho Chi Minh and his personal belongings

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