Ha Long

Food & Drink in Ha Long



  • Bui Thi Xuan street, Hong Hai ward, Ha Long city, Quang Ninh province is called “Snail street”by citizens.

  • Kim Quy snail supermarket, address: 660 Ha Long street, Bai Chay ward (Cai Dam area) is a popular address of Ha Long citizens and tourists.

Ha Long is famous for seafood, including many species of sea snails: babylonia areolata,melanoides tuberculatus, cassidula doliolum, chicoreus ramosus… Cooking snails requires sophistication. Snails need to remain their freshness; the level of fire, the time of grilling, boiling, steaming and stir-frying need to be appropriate to keep the typical taste of snails. The sauce is made from distilled sugar, gingers,lemongrass, chili sauce andlemon leaves. When dipping a snail into the sauce, the sauce remains on the snail, which brings diners the best taste of sea snails.

Stuffed Pancakes with Dipped Squids


The pioneer and famous stuffed pancake with dipped squid restaurant chả mực in Ha Long bay is Cay Bang restaurant, also known as Ba Den restaurant(Alley1, Nha Hat street, Ha Long city)with a 30-year history.

Pancakes need to be made so thin. Because pancakes are transparent, it is possible to see the eye-catching filler. Dipped squids need grinding by hand, when diners try a bite, they can feel the crunch of fresh squids,thendip it intothe source made of lemon,chili, garlic andhave with saladto feel completely the honest taste of this dish.

Steamed Sticky Rice with Dipped Squid


The most famous restaurant of steamed sticky rice with dipped squid in Ha Long city is located at no.38, Thuong Mai street, Hong Gai ward.

White steamed sticky riceis cooked with coconut milk.Dipped squid is made from fresh squids. Appropriate spices and the sauce mixed with pepper create a great taste and make this dish become the brand of Ha Long and difficult for diners to forget this special flavor.



Along the coastal road of Ha Long city, stretching from Yet Kieu ward (the new road from the old ferry port to Cao Xanh ward) to Hong Hai ward, there are a number of good barbecue restaurants.

With barbecue food, the owner of the restaurant prepares for diners dishes of marinated fresh seafood. If you want to suit your taste (well - done or medium rare), you should self-grill, which satisfies your taste and brings an interesting experiment.

Fresh seafood


  • Hon Gai area: the food street at Gieng Don street, Bach Dang ward, Ha Long city or restaurants along the coastal road, Ha Long city.

  • Bai Chay area: Marine Plaza Commercial Center, Vuon Dao market area or Food court and shopping area of SunWorld HaLong Park, Cai Dam area.

This area gathers many popular food stalls with dishes made from fresh seafood of Ha Long: horseshoe crab hot-pot, jellyfish salad, grilled stone crabs, clam soup, salted mantis shrimp, grilled rabbitfish…

Ha Long Travel Information