Food & Drink in Nha Trang

Jellyfish Noddle in Nha Trang

Jellyfish Noddle in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

It can be found in various restaurants and street stalls in the city. This particular vendor specializes in soup noodles.

The jellyfish is delicious food, nutritious. An indispensable ingredient of a jellyfish noodle is jellyfish of course. Currently, jellyfish has year-round, but the best is still the late in spring and early in summer. Edible jellyfish has opaque white, tapering as fingers; the body is thick, crispy and cool taste. Jellyfish noodle must be served with hot and sweet bouillon thanks to be cooked from various fishes. Jellyfish noodle is tastier when eaten with fresh grilled fish, various chopped raw vegetables, lemon and chili.

Jellyfish Noddle in Nha Trang

Food & Drink in Nha Trang

Nha Trang Travel Information