Khanh Hoa Cuisine

Enjoy Vui chicken on steamed rice in Cam Ranh

Where to Eat?

  • Restaurant: Quan Vui
  • Address: 1895 Hung Vuong Boulevard, Km3, Cam Phu ward, Cam Ranh city, Khanh Hoa Province.
  • Opening time: From 9 AM to 10 PM every day.
  • Telephone: 058.3861054

Chicken on steamed rice here is delicious and especially because they only sell the “walking” chicken, carefully selected, not the “industrial” chicken, “Tam Hoang” chicken, so its meat is firm, delicious.

Chicken is lightly marinated, fried with oil to ensure crispy skin. This dish is served with salad mixed vinegar, sour sweet and sour sweet.

Mayonnaise is also made by the owner's family, is tastier and fatter and has a distinctive flavor, different from the one to be sold in other shop. If you do not like roasted chicken, you can choose boiled chicken on steamed rice. Chicken just done to a turn, soft fat, delicious with the flavor of lemon leaves make you want to call a chicken meat more ...

Besides chicken on steamed rice, the restaurant also has beef steak with moreish marinated meat. It will satisfy the fastidious diners.

Khanh Hoa Cuisine

Khanh Hoa Travel Information