Bac Kan Province

Bac Kan Cuisine

  1. Palm fruit (Quả cọ ỏm chấm muối vừng)

  2. Xíu Soong ( made from pork meat )

  3. Bamboo-tube rice (Cơm lam)

  4. Pork hanging from the ceiling in the kitchen of local people (Thịt lơn treo gác bếp )

  5. Don vegetable (Rau Dớn)

  6. Bo Khai vegetable (Rau Bồ Khai)

  7. Rau Ngót rừng (Ngot vegetable)

  8. Bang Phuc Wine (Bằng Phúc people made wine from rice and herb)

  9. Khâu nhục (made from pork and taro)

  10. Bamboo shoot in chilly oil (Măng ngâm ớt)

  11. Đăm Đeng steamed rice

  12. Coóc Mò cake ( made from sticky rice and red peanuts )

  13. Dried Plums

  14. Quang Thuan Tangerine (Quýt Quang Thuận)

  15. Sour shrimp, sour fish (Tôm chua, cá chua)

  16. Khau Thuy Cake ( made from sticky rice and taro)

  17. Persimmon without nuts

Bac Kan Travel Information