Kien Giang Province

How To Get To Kien Giang

Kien Giang transportation is highly systematic including the road, the water and the air which are the centre of national transporting lines.

Under the projects of Mekong River Delta and Northern-West border development, plenty of infrastructure works given priority to go under construction by the central government cross or are adjacent Kien Giang such as:

Upgrading and expanding national highway based in Kien Giang including National Highway No 80, 61, 63, N1, N2 and trans-Viet highway.

Dredging and expanding national waterway: Hochiminh City-Kien Luong.

Upgrading, expanding and building new airports as Phu Quoc airport, Rach Gia airport


National Highway with the length of 316 km.

Provincial roads with the length of 217 km.

District roads with the length of 83 km.

Commune roads with the length of 184 km.

Urban roads with the length of 92 km.

In general, road density over natural areas is low (0.09km/km2). But nearly 100% communes and wards have roads for cars to its center.


River play an important role in transporting goods from Kien Giang to Mekong River Delta and Ho Chi Minh City.

The total length of provincial river routes is 2,409 km.

Sea transports mainly connect Rach Gia and islands of Hon Tre, Lai Son, Nam Du, Phu Quoc, Tho Chau.

Kien Giang port system including Rach Gia, Hon Chong, Ha Tien, Duong Dong, An Thoi are under way of being upgraded to serve the higher demand of transporting between inland and island.


Rach Gia and Phu Quoc Airports has runways of 1,500m long. Recently, the airports have been upgrading runways and stations but only allow aircraft of under 100 seats land and take off.

Kien Giang Travel Information