Bac Lieu Province

Bac Lieu Overview

Bac Lieu Province (Bạc Liêu) is a province of Vietnam. It is a coastal province, and is situated in the Mekong Delta region of the southern part of the country. It shares its border with Can Tho City and Soc Trang Province to the north, the East Sea to the south, Ca Mau and Kien Giang provinces to the west.

Bac Lieu has many large rice paddies and fertile land, which make a good condition for fruit tree planting.

The weather is divided into two seasons: rainy and dry seasons. The annual average temperature is 240C.

Bac Lieu City is on side of Bac Lieu Canal, 10km from the sea. Bac Lieu residents grow rice, fruit trees, catch seafood and make salt.

Bac Lieu used to play importance role in exploitation and developing of French colonialists so that the province has existed several western-style villas and palaces.

Tourists have more knowledge about very rich and popular Bac Lieu Mandarins. And they can visit the Bac Lieu Bird Reserve, unforgettable taste longan gardens, Viet Hung old Tower, Xiem Can Pagoda or discover mangrove cajeput forest.

Area: 2,468.7 sq. km

Population: 882.0 thousand habitants (2015).

Capital: Bac Lieu City.

Districts: Hong Dan, Vinh Loi, Gia Rai, Dong Hai, Phuoc Long, Hoa Binh.

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Khmer, Hoa, Cham...

Bac Lieu Travel Information