Bac Kan Province

Bac Kan Overview

Bac Kan (Bắc Cạn) Province is located in the Northeast region, due north of the capital Hanoi. Bac Kan shares its border with Cao Bang Province to the north, Tuyen Quang Province to the west, Lang Son Province to the south-east, and Thai Nguyen Province to the south.

Bac Kan area of 4,859.4 square kilometres, population of about 408,000 people. It is a mountainous terrain with rich natural resources of minerals and forests. It has numerous mountains, rivers and lakes which are very scenic. Ba Bể National Park and Ba Bể Lake lie within its borders.

The climatic condition of the province is typically tropical monsoonal, which exhibits two distinct seasons — the rainy season from May to October accounting for about 88-90% of the annual rainfall and dry climatic conditions between November and April. This results in water shortage conditions during the dry months

The province generates tourism, with the mountains, rivers, and lakes of Bắc Kạn being considered quite scenic, especially Ba Bể Lake (part of Ba Bể National Park). In addition, tourists can pay several visits to a wide range of caves and caverns in Bac Kan: Na Poong, Ba Cua (Three Gates), Son Duong (Chamois), Nang Tien (Fairy).

Area: 4,859.4 sq. km.

Population: 313.1 thousand habitants (2015).

Capital: Bac Kan City.

Districts: Ba Be, Ngan Son, Cho Don, Na Ri, Cho Moi, Bach Thong, Pac Nam.

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Tay, H'Mong, Dao...

Bac Kan Travel Information