Food & Drink in Nha Trang

Yellow noodle soup in Nha Trang

Mì Quảng ở Nha Trang

Yellow noodle soup in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

It can be found in various restaurants and street stalls in the city. This particular vendor specializes in soup noodles.

Nha Trang have two dishes are known as yellow noodle soup of Quang people and Nha Trang yellow noodle soup. Same name but different ways of preparing food away from each other and each has a particular taste. First, the pasta of Quang noodles are soft and silky to pasta made with rice flour, the Nha Trang fiber is small and yellow (dry noodles), very long. Second, Quang noodles with pork or chicken are cooked with spices, then served with Nha Trang noodles boiled with meat and fried fish more. The other most obviously, Nha Trang noodle soup are always being filled, not close to the bottom of the bowl invasion as Quang noodles. In addition, Nha Trang noodles not to eat with baked rice papers!

Nha Trang yellow noodle soup is all over the roads in Nha Trang city, from the sidewalk to the luxurious salon. Whenever a customer called yellow noodle soup , the seller will take pinches of dried yellow noodles over medium-hot water aging. Put yellow noodles into a bowl, vendors coming up small fried fish, a few slices of thinly sliced ​​boiled meat, if added to the frozen pork, then draw water marquetry (cooked with bones) flooded, the final taste of the leaves, the non- add roasted peanuts at the surface. Comes with Nha Trang yellow noodle soup is a stunning dish with salad lettuce, herbs, banana ... to be thin julienne, and added a little green bean trees.

Yellow noodle soup in Nha Trang

Food & Drink in Nha Trang

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