Ha Long

Places To Visit in Ha Long

Ha Long City

        • Cua Van Fishing Village

        • Hoang Gia Park

        • Ha Long Market

        • Bai Chay Trading Center

        • Sun World Halong Complex

        • Quang Ninh Museum and Library

        • Tuan Chau International Tourism and Recreation Complex

Ha Long Bay


        • Thien Cung (Heavenly Palace Grotto)

        • Dau Go (Driftwood Grotto)

        • Sung Sot (Surprise Grotto)

        • Tam Cung (Three Palace Grotto)

        • Trinh Nu (Virgin Grotto)


        • Hon Dau Nguoi (Human Head Islet),

        • Hon Rong (Dragon Islet)

        • Hon Canh Buom (Sail Islet)

        • Hon Trong Mai (Cock and Hen Islet)

Ha Long Bay Destinations

Ha Long Bay

Location: Located in the northeastern part of Viet Nam and constitutes part of the western bank of Bac Bo Gulf, including the sea area of Ha Long City, Cam Pha City and part of Van Don Island District, Quang Ninh Province.

Characteristics: UNESCO recognized it as the World Natural Heritage two times. Ha Long Bay encompasses 1,969 islands of various sizes which are concentrated in two main zones: the south-east (belonging to Bai Tu Long Bay) and the south-west (belonging to Ha Long Bay). The bay has been first recognized as World Natural Heritage since 1994 by UNESCO for the natural beauty, and for the second time for its geographical and geomorphologic values since 2000.

Covers a total area of 1,553km², including 1,969 islands of various sizes, 989 of which have been given names. There are two kinds, limestone and schis in Ha Long Bay. The average geological age of the islands is between 250 and 280 million years old.

The most remarkable geological events of Ha Long Bay’s history in the last 1,000 years include the advance of the sea, the raising of the bay area and the strong erosion that has formed coral and pure blue and heavily-salted water. This process of erosion by sea water has deeply engraved the stone, contributing to its fantastic beauty.

Results of scientific research show that Ha Long Bay features ecosystems of a tropical ocean region such as ecosystem of coral reefs with 232 species of coral distributed mainly in the areas of Cong Do and Bo Hung. It is also home to 81 species of gastropoda, 130 species of bivalvia, 55 species of polycheta and 57 species of crab. The ecosystem of salt water-flooded forests chiefly concentrated in the zones of Tuan Chau, Cua Luc and Ba Che has the most diversified collection of species of salt water-flooded plant in North Viet Nam. Also living in this ecosystem are a great many species of animals: migrating birds (200 species), polycheta (169 species), seaweed (91 species), reptile (10 species). Ha Long Bay also has ecosystem of tropical rain forests with various rare and precious creatures: deer, weasels, squirrels and in particular, white-tabby and red-haired monkeys.

In addition, there is a system of small caves along the sea, which are the living and development places for many animals and plants: seaweed, water plant, algae, fish and shrimp. Deeper into the water, there are also many species of shrimp, fish, abalone and other sea-specialities.

Sung Sot Grotto

Address: Ha Long Bay

Location: Situated in the centre of the UNESCO-declared World Heritage area – Ha Long Bay, Sung Sot (Surprise) Grotto is on Bo Hon Island.

Characteristics: Covering area of 10,000m² in Bo Hon Island, Sung Sot Grotto with thousands of stalactites is one of the finest and widest caves in Ha Long Bay which were discovered by the French in 1901.

Ascending to the grotto, the way is covered by trees and foliage and consists of great paved stone blocks. Inside, it is partitioned into two chambers; the first one being similar to a wide theatre hall. Many stalactites hang from the high ceiling, with numerous possible forms and shapes. From the wharf, you climb 50 steep stone stairs to the mouth of the grotto, which lies 25m above the sea level. Going down some 10 stone stairs, you reach the mouth of a grotto. The grotto covers some 10,000m2. Inside the grotto there have thousands of stalactites and stalagmites along the 500-meter paved passage.

Thien Cung Grotto

Address: Ha Long Bay

Location: It is situated on the south-west side of Ha Long bay, 4km from the wharf outside of Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province.

Characteristics: This grotto is recently discovered, one of the most beautiful grottoes in Ha Long Bay.

Getting in we are more astonished in front of the very animated and splendid beauty which is made from stalactite. On the east wall of the grotto, there is a grandiose and imposing picture with characters of tales.

Going in the Thien Cung Grotto, we have a sensation of just watching a unique, meticulous, interesting fine-art museum which is made by nature, get out of the imagine ability and intellect of man.





Ha Long City Destinations







Ha Long Travel Information