Kon Tum Province

Kon Tum Overview

Kon Tum Province lies in the Central Highlands region of Vietnam and shares borders with Laos and Cambodia. It shares border with Laos, Cambodia on the west, Quang Nam Province on the north, Quang Ngai Province on the east and Gia Lai Province on the south.

There is highest granite mountain region in Southern Viet Nam with Ngok Linh 2,598m and Ngoc Phan 2,251m. It is source of Tranh, Thu Bon, Tra Khuc, Ba rivers.

Forest covers 50% total of Kontum area with valuable wood, rare birds. Basalt soil is suitable to plan rubber, coffee, tea, sugar cane. The province has 26,000ha grassland that gives good condition to raise cattle.

Kon Tum has feature climate of Central Highland. That is tropical monsoon one. There are two seasons. The rain season lasts from May to October. The dry season lasts from November to April next year. Annual average temperature is 23.4oC. Annual average rainfall is 1,884mm.

Visitors enjoy mountainous landscapes like Ngok Linh Mountain, Chu Mon Ray Primitive Forest, Dak Tre Tourist Site, and Dak To Hot Spring. Tourists are interesting in historical relics such as Kontum Former Prison, Dak Glei Prison, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Dak To, Tan Canh Battle Field.

Ethnic minorities make up 51% population of Kon Tum. Most of them are Ba Na, Xo Dang, Gie Trieng, Gia Rai, B'Rau, and Ro Man. They work on fields in the mountains

Kon Tum has colorful, diversified culture of ethnic groups. Their customs are unique with special traditional festivals like cong chieng (gongs), buffalo stabling, leaving- the- tomb, new rice festivals.

Area: 9,689.6 sq. km.

Population: 495.9 thousand habitants (2015).

Capital: Kon Tum City.

Districts: Dak Glei, Ngoc Hoi, Dak To, Kon Ray, Kon Plong, Dak Ha, Tu Mo Rong, Sa Thay.

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Xo Dang, Ba Na, Gie Trieng, Ra Glai...

Kon Tum Travel Information