Quang Ninh Province

Quang Ninh Overview

Quang Ninh (Quảng Ninh) is a province along the northeastern coast of Vietnam. It is 153 km (95 mi) east of Hanoi. The province is home to Hạ Long Bay, a World Heritage Site. The provincial capital is Hạ Long. Nearly 80% of the province is mountainous with abundant land, forest water and mineral resources.

The province has the shape of an oblique rectangle inclined in a northeast-to-southwest direction. To the west, the province borders an extended forest and mountain region.

Quang Ninh is a mountainous and coastal province, with more than 80 per cent of its area being made up of mountains and hills. The 2,000 some islands are also considered mountains. The mountainous zone can be divided into two parts: the eastern mountainous region extending from Tiên Yên through Bình Liêu, Hải Hà, Đầm Hà and Móng Cái; and the western zone ranging from Tiên Yên through Ba Chẽ and Hoành Bồ, north of Uông Bí Town. The former is a continuation of the Thâp Van Đai Son range in China. There are two main chains: Quảng Nam Châu 1,507 m and Cao Xiêm 1,330 m. The western zone features smooth and curved mountains called Đông Triều with Yên Tu Mount 1,068 m in Uông Bí region and Am Váp Mount 1,094 m in Hoành Bồ District.

Quảng Ninh's climate is symbolic of the climate of North Vietnam; featuring all four seasons. In summer, it is hot, humid and rainy, while monsoons flourish. The average annual temperature recorded is 22.9 °C. In winter, it is cold (between 1 and 3 °C), dry, and sees little rainfall (between 150 mm and 400 mm). The average humidity is 82 percent. Annual average rainfall, influenced by north-eastern monsoons, varies between 1,700 mm and 2,400 mm (maximum recorded is 2751 mm), with rainfall concentrated in the summer months for 90 to 170 days, particularly in July and August.

Area: 6,102.3 sq. km.

Population: 1,211.3 thousand habitants (2015).

Capital: Ha Long City.

Administrative divisions:

- City: Mong Cai, Uong Bi, Cam Pha.

- Towns: Quang Yen, Dong Trieu.

- Districts: Ba Che, Binh Lieu, Hai Ha, Dam Ha, Tien Yen, Van Don, Hoanh Bo, Co To.

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Tay, Dao, San Chay, San Diu, Hoa...

Quang Ninh Travel Information