Food & Drink in Nha Trang

Nha Trang Sticky Cake

Bánh phồng Sơn Đốc

Nha Trang Sticky Cake

Where to buy?

Can buy at any market in Nha trang

Nha Trang Sticky Cake is Bánh phồng Sơn Đốc (BPN) that a famous specialty of Ben Tre province, It is expand to the Nha Trang markets now.

Son Doc village is the best place production of BPN. Most villagers know how to make BPN, not only for sale but also to give for relatives or friends on every holiday and Tet. Making BPN is the development profession, this is the traditional craft so it is maintained until now. BPN is available in many places, from the Mekong Delta to the Central of Viet Nam .... "

The processing of BPN is simple: soak glutinous, cook them into sticky rice. Scanning stcky rice in stone mortar. Pour coconut milk, salt, sugar, sesame seeds for tasting. Then to roll them into small balls (1.8 kg/100 balls). Use plastic pieces and laminate these balls into thin circle cakes. Bring and put them under the sun then baked them on a grid, baking time and moderate fire is very important. About 10 minutes for each batch. This cake can be kept for a long time with the best quality and smell.

Nha Trang Sticky Cake

Food & Drink in Nha Trang

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