Food & Drink in Nha Trang

Bun Thang Hanoi in Nha Trang

Bun Thang Hanoi in Nha Trang

Where to Eat?

It can be found in various restaurants and street stalls in the city. This particular vendor specializes in soup noodles.

There are many dishes of Hanoi which are popular in Nha Trang such as pho ( beef noodle soup), bun oc ( noodles and snails soup), bun cha (noodles and grilled meat soup) but until now, bun thang thang just appear though it is not a strange food.

Bun thang prepared meticulously and are still subtle in the regal character. Each bun thang bowl has nearly 20 different ingredients: chicken bones, pork bones, dried prawns and must be carefully skimming to the clear broth. Along with the bun thang bowl with grilled chicken also tore milling, pork bologna, chopped egg into thin strands, agarics, dried shrimp, pork fiber, , salted eggs, radish sauce beams ... Overall very sophisticated and elaborate because of everything in a bun thang bowl also has to cut very thin, very smart ...

Bun Thang Hanoi in Nha Trang

Food & Drink in Nha Trang

Nha Trang Travel Information