Bac Kan Province

Places To Visit in Bac Kan

1. Ba Be National Park

2. Ba Be Lake

3. Puong Cave

4. Dau Dang Waterfall

1. Ba Be National Park

Address: Ba Be District, BacKan Province (Huyện Ba Bể, Bắc Kạn)

Location: Ba Be National Park is situated in Ba Be District, Bac Kan Province, about 70km from Bac Kan City and 250km from the north of Ha Noi

Characteristic: Ba Be National Park is one of the most valuable natural resources in the North.

Ba Be National Park covers an area of 7,610ha and has 3,000 inhabitants of the Tay, Mong, Dao living there. The national park boasts primeval forest on old limestone range that surrounds pure lakes.

The park consists of 1,281 species of plants including 162 families, among which 25 species have so far been recorded in the Red List of The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources-IUCN.

Ba Be Lake highlights the national park with its outstanding landscape and geological features. The lake is among 20 largest natural freshwater lakes worldwide. The lake is also home to some 106 species of freshwater fishes, of which there are valuable and rare species as Ba Be paramesotriton deloustali (ca coc), Bagarius yarrelli sykes (ca chien), ca lam xanh, ca sinh ga. In addition to Ba Be Lake, the national park boasts unique and imposing tourist spots namely Puong Grotto, Dau Dang Waterfall, Tien Pond.

The fauna of national park is also multiform with 81 species of animals, 27 species of reptiles, 17 species of amphibians, 322 species of birds, 106 species of fishes, 553 species of insects and spiders, of which 66 species has been listed in Viet Nam and World Red Book such as Great hornbill (Phuong hoang dat), Rhinopithecus avunculus (Vooc mui hech), Presbytis francoisi francoisi (Vooc den ma trang)...

Boats and guides can be hired. It is possible to stay in stilt houses in Pac Ngoi, a village of Tay people. Food is available in the village, including fresh fish at reasonable prices.

2. Ba Be Lake

Address: Ba Be District, BacKan Province (Huyện Ba Bể, Bắc Kạn)

Location: Lie in the middle of a vast limestone mountain range of Ba Be District, Bac Kan Province, 240km from the north-west of Ha Noi.

Characteristic: Ba Be Lake is the largest natural lake in the Viet Nam with an area of more than 650ha.

The lake is 8km long, 3km wide and from 20 to 30m deep. It contains two islets. One of them is called An Ma Islet because it looks like a horse riding in the water. The other is Ba Goa (Widow) Islet with the legend of a kind widow.

The surface of the lake was tranquil, a beauty spot if ever there was one, in this land of so much beauty. Visitors will have an unforgettable stay in the mountains by the lakes, enjoying sightseeing boat trips, hikes, and water sports.

From Ba Be, visitors can visit other neighboring scenic attractions such as Dau Dang Fall, Puong Cave, and Tien Pond. Passing by Puong Cave (30m high, 300m long), cruise past the villages of Tau, Cam and Hua Tang, and navigate the way through the river's forks and brooks, visitors will reach Dau Dang Falls. Catch the breath: it's worth it. They fall, they drip, they cascade. Take a pick of superlatives. Take a pick of times of day for paying a visit. The falls laps over 1,000m on three levels, each bursting with energy from the mountains that help fuel them.

3. Puong Cave

Address: Ba Be District, BacKan Province (Huyện Ba Bể, Bắc Kạn)

Location: Puong Cave located on the Nang River, 5km from the town of Cho Ra, was created by the river's current as it flowed next to the base of the Lung Nham Mountains, which are a chain of limestone mountains.

Characteristic: The cave is about 200m long, with an average height of 25 to 30m.

On the boat, sailing in the dim light of the cave on a small boat, you can see various strange stalactites at the entrance. Thousands of bats live inside.

4. Dau Dang Waterfall

Address: Ba Be District, BacKan Province (Huyện Ba Bể, Bắc Kạn)

Location: Dang Waterfall is located where the Nang River enters Tuyen Quang Province. It flows for 2km where the Nang River is blocked by various sized stones slopping for nearly 500m.

Characteristic: The pleasant look of the waterfall and the primitive nature of the forest are extremely impressive. Furthermore, there is a special rare and valuable species of fish called ca chien living in the river; some of these fish weigh over 10kg.

Dau Dang Waterfall lies between two limestone mountains, with a steep slope. Where the Nang River is blocked by large and small rocks stacked on each other with a slope of about 500m, creating a spectacular spectacular waterfall, blending with the landscape of primeval forest creates an unforgettable impression.

Come visit Dau Dang Waterfall, sit on the big stones or stand on the wooden balcony, let yourself enjoy the waterfall rolling on white foam.

Bac Kan Travel Information